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  2. Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing

Methods for setting transaction prices between commonly owned
companies, ensuring regulatory compliance, fair allocation, and
accurate financial reporting.

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Transfer Pricing Overview

Transfer Pricing refers to the rules and methods for determining the prices of transactions within and between enterprises under common ownership or control. Simply put, these rules establish fair and standard prices for transactions between companies with special relationships. In Indonesia, Transfer Pricing regulations are governed by the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) 213/PMK.03/2016 concerning Documents that Must Be Maintained by Taxpayers Engaging in Transactions with Related Parties. Transfer Pricing documentation must include a comparability analysis method, a list of comparable transactions, details of the criteria for searching comparable data, and sources of the comparable data used.

Transfer Pricing Illustration

Experienced Team

We have a team experienced in preparing Transfer Pricing documents tailored to the needs of each company. We have handled various types of companies, ranging from domestic related-party transactions to international transactions with foreign related parties. We have earned trust, and our Transfer Pricing documents have been accepted by the Tax Office at fair value.

Transfer Pricing Illustration

Most Comprehensive & Reliable Database

We have collaborated with Bureau Van Dijk from Moody's Analytics, allowing us to access a commercial database for comparative analysis with similar companies in the Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern regions.

Access to this commercial database is crucial as tax authorities will review the comparability of the companies used to determine the arm's length nature of intercompany transactions.

The Bureau Van Dijk database is one of the most comprehensive and reliable databases used by various large companies in the Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern regions, making it a valuable reference for Transfer Pricing analysis.

Transfer Pricing Illustration

Post-Completion Evaluation

We will continue to oversee the results of the Transfer Pricing Document even after completion and reporting. This oversight includes responding to the Tax Office's Request for Explanation and Information (SP2DK) regarding the reported document.

We will also provide support at the Tax Office to assist in answering any questions related to the Transfer Pricing Document we prepared.

Transfer Pricing Illustration

Transfer Pricing Overview

Transfer Pricing refers to the rules and methods for determining the prices of transactions within and between enterprises under common ownership or control. Simply put, these rules establish fair and standard prices for transactions between companies with special relationships. In Indonesia, Transfer Pricing regulations are governed by the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) 213/PMK.03/2016 concerning Documents that Must Be Maintained by Taxpayers Engaging in Transactions with Related Parties. Transfer Pricing documentation must include a comparability analysis method, a list of comparable transactions, details of the criteria for searching comparable data, and sources of the comparable data used.

Transfer Pricing Illustration

Experienced Team

We have a team experienced in preparing Transfer Pricing documents tailored to the needs of each company. We have handled various types of companies, ranging from domestic related-party transactions to international transactions with foreign related parties. We have earned trust, and our Transfer Pricing documents have been accepted by the Tax Office at fair value.

Transfer Pricing Illustration

Most Comprehensive & Reliable Database

We have collaborated with Bureau Van Dijk from Moody's Analytics, allowing us to access a commercial database for comparative analysis with similar companies in the Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern regions.

Access to this commercial database is crucial as tax authorities will review the comparability of the companies used to determine the arm's length nature of intercompany transactions.

The Bureau Van Dijk database is one of the most comprehensive and reliable databases used by various large companies in the Asia-Pacific and Middle Eastern regions, making it a valuable reference for Transfer Pricing analysis.

Transfer Pricing Illustration

Post-Completion Evaluation

We will continue to oversee the results of the Transfer Pricing Document even after completion and reporting. This oversight includes responding to the Tax Office's Request for Explanation and Information (SP2DK) regarding the reported document.

We will also provide support at the Tax Office to assist in answering any questions related to the Transfer Pricing Document we prepared.

Transfer Pricing Illustration

We are always
eager and available
to discuss with you